
前に書いた、ブッシュとケリーが同じ秘密結社に入っていたというエントリに、maxim さんからコメントをもらいまして、ちょっと調べてみたら面白かったので、新しく書いておきます。ケインズも入っていたというケンブリッジの秘密結社について。

The only rule is that there are no rules. While delivering their talk, members may say anything they like, with no ideological constraints. Members are allowed to be sexist and racist, and may advocate paedophilia or any other controversial idea they feel they can mount an argument in favor of.


The Apostles became well-known outside Cambridge over the so-called Cambridge Spies scandal


Of the four named spies, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt, both homosexuals, had been members of the Apostles, at a time when homosexuality seemed to be an attribute of many of the students chosen for membership. There were stories that the membership was mainly homosexual and Marxist, though that was never shown to be true. Arguably, the fact that members were prepared to discuss any topic, no matter how unpopular, reinforced the idea that they were anarchists, rebels, Marxists and the like.

ということでした。早い話が、この結社は、マルクス主義の「僧侶」たちの宿り木のような役割を演じていたわけですね。もちろん、この項目を書いている人がいうように、それは特殊なケースだったのかもしれませんが、その内部でどのような象徴転換が行われている(た)かを推測する一助にはなるような気がしました。有益な情報、ありがとうございました。>maxim さん